Common Question about Term Life Insurance, Answered


Answers to the most common questions asked about Term Life Insurance offered by Life Insurance Companies.

· Life Insurance


You're probably wondering if it's right to buy term insurance. Don't worry; it's not just you. Term Insurance is a newly formed insurance cover which has been introduced 10-15 years ago. And hence, it is often misunderstood and wrongly implemented in personal finance planning. Life Insurance companies are making many efforts to educate people about Term Insurance.

Term Life Insurance can seem complicated. But no more now, we at the TX Insurance Quotes in Texas offer you the best. The concept of Term Insurance is pretty straightforward. It provides coverage over some time. So how much is the coverage, how long will it be valid for, how much you need to pay are some basic questions that everyone should know about term life insurance? Answers to these and more such questions are provided in this article.

How term insurance protects your family and you?

When you buy term life insurance, you purchase coverage for a certain period. This is the 'term' of the policy. During this period, if an unfortunate event happens and you die while insured, your nominee/beneficiary will get the sum assured. If you do not claim your premiums at the end of the term period, the policy will cease.

Being protection insurance, Term Insurance can play an essential role in financial planning for different sections of people and can outperform other general insurance policies. Due to job insecurity, families living under the uncertainties of their income and expenditure may find it very helpful as you don't need to provide for finance from your savings/earnings every month. They can instead use them as and when required. In addition, it ensures your loved ones will receive money to meet expenses, such as final medical bills, funeral costs, and outstanding debt, so your family can maintain its standard of living.

How much does insurance coverage cost? 

Insurance premiums depend on the type of coverage you select, your age, gender, and health status. Also, if you've been diagnosed with any medical conditions like high cholesterol or hypertension, you may be considered a substandard risk and therefore pay higher rates. It will solely depend on the coverage you purchase and in the risk classifications, you fall as determined by the insurance companies. However, the amount of premium depends on the term and the coverage you possess. 

How to choose a term plan?

Your term length will determine your monthly premium, which can vary depending on the amount of coverage you want and your age when the policy begins. There are many variables. Generally, most people sign up for a term life insurance policy of 10 – 20 years, and they renew their plan every 5 – 7 years by taking another term life policy. Hence shopping around for a plan can be hectic as you have to go through many agents, companies, insurance providers, and their plans before deciding on a plan. The following points should be taken care of while trying to choose a term plan:

  • Do not fall prey to agents who try to sell you based on commissions.
  • Many Term Plans have a waiting period before it starts paying out, so if you fall ill at this time, your insurance may be invalidated.
  • When purchasing term insurance, the amount is taken care of is called Sum Assured. This means the more the cover, the higher the premium will be.

Why Term insurance? What are the benefits of term life Insurance over traditional Life Insurance Plans like Whole Life Insurance or Universal Life Insurance? 

The main difference between term life insurance and traditional policies is that in the former case, you pay a small amount of money on an annual basis. This helps you protect yourself against any financial burden if anything unfortunate happens, like your death or disability. The benefits of term life Insurance over traditional Life Insurance Plans lie in its affordability, unlike Whole Life and Universal Life policies, which can get pretty expensive. Another differentiative factor is Life Insurance Texas policies are offered to cover the insured for his or her entire life whereas term life insurance is for a specified period only. 


Term Insurance is the right choice only if you buy it for your family. You may not be able to claim your money until any uncertainty occurs. Hence make sure to look for an effective plan with protection insurance to meet your family's needs if something happens to you. Term Insurance is not suitable for investment purposes. That is because it doesn't provide any regular cash flows. Still, if any query is left inside your mind, we at TX Insurance Quotes will be glad to serve you the best, kindly don’t hesitate and connect us to avail the expert's advice and Homeowners Insurance Quote